Master of Business Administration (MBA)

MBA 600.  Sustainability Accounting.  (3 Credits)  

An integration of the principles of financial and managerial accounting to prepare the manager to use accounting to assess and manage the health of the organization. Students also explore environmental, social and ethical accounting issues, which challenge students to apply existing accounting systems to new settings and critically analyze existing and proposed accounting systems.

MBA 601.  Managerial Economics.  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the fundamentals of managerial economics, focusing on microeconomics, macroeconomics, with a backdrop of ecological economics. Provides an understanding of the standard or neoclassical microeconomic model and how this model is useful for business decision-making and provides a critique of this model and present a more heterodox view of economics.

MBA 602.  Managerial Finance.  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to financial decision-making theory and practice, which deals with major issues in managing the inflows and outflows from the Chief Financial Officer's (CFO) perspective. This course includes financial analysis, forecasting financial needs, sources and use of funds, efficient allocation of funds within the firm, risk/return decisions, capital budgeting, and the firm's relationships with investors, financial markets and financial institutions.

MBA 603.  Leadership, Ethics, and Organizational Behavior.  (3 Credits)  

An investigation of how and why complexities increase as individuals form groups or teams, and as various groups form organizational systems. Students learn how to bridge leadership-management roles, how to distinguish between required systems and emergent systems, and how to assess ego-motivation, eco-motivation, and employee ownership in designing effective teams and workplaces.

MBA 604.  Business Law for the Outdoor Industry.  (3 Credits)  

Legal matters encountered in the outdoor industry. Included is an introduction to real property, environmental regulation, water law and contracting. Agreements involving customers, vendors, insurance, procurement, risk management and liability are also addressed.

MBA 605.  Project Management.  (3 Credits)  

A critical investigation of best practices in project management. This course is designed to launch students into a successful capstone project in MBA 691 with an outdoor industry organization and prepare them lo be competitive in their desired career path. Students will create a professional portfolio and project proposal, both of which will be informed by a gap analysis, critical examination of case studies, academic literature, and other sources. The course will include core content related to the project proposal and project implementation, as well as content tailored to individual student projects.

MBA 606.  Marketing and Brand Strategy in the Outdoor Industry.  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the framework for marketing management. A survey of trends and an overview of concepts and techniques as they relate to the customer experience, marketing opportunities, marketing strategies and communicating effective marketing programs within the context of sustainable management. Effective sales and go-to-market strategies for athletic and outdoor companies of all sizes.

MBA 607.  Sustainable Strategic Management in the Outdoor Industry.  (3 Credits)  

Students develop their ability to analyze internal and external factors essential for crafting and executing an organization's strategy for sustained success. The course draws heavily from the key concepts, theories, and frameworks of strategic management. Additional topics include innovative business models, competitive advantage, business ethics, social responsibility, environmental sustainability, strategic positioning, diversification, international strategy, corporate culture and leadership.

MBA 608.  Resort and Hospitality Management.  (3 Credits)  

Examination the operations and management of resorts, including hotel operations. Guest relations, amenities and facilities design and management, event management, customer service, leadership, communications and problem solving are also covered. Students are also exposed to techniques used for data analysis and service measurement, to assess operational performance and efficiencies and staff turnover.

MBA 609.  Sustainable Outdoor Product Development and Material Sourcing.  (3 Credits)  

Students work through the product planning process, all the way from concept to consumer. This is not a focus on the design component, but provides students with a comprehensive picture of the importance and value of all the steps from creating to launching a product.

MBA 610.  Supply Chain and Logistics in the Outdoor Industry.  (3 Credits)  

Strategic and tactical issues pertaining to the distribution and delivery of products and services are examined. Also covered are global sourcing strategies and the global supply chain used by the sports product companies including the history of sourcing in Asia and the importance of managing sustainability in this process. Prerequisite: MBA 606.

MBA 611.  Topics in Outdoor Industry.  (0 Credits)  

An examination of current topics in the outdoor industry. Graded S/U.

MBA 613.  Natural Resource Regulation and Economics.  (3 Credits)  

Students examine topics in the environmental regulatory scheme, knowledge of which is imperative to operating a sustainable business, including many federal acts and policies. Presentation of the analytical tools and approaches used by economists to examine and assess environmental issues, conflicts and policies. Students use various techniques to investigate a variety of resource-based issues. Prerequisite: MBA 601.

MBA 614.  Sales and Customer Experience.  (3 Credits)  

Focuses on helping students take advantage of the unique opportunities that outdoor industry businesses have to craft stories that leverage the emotional connection customers have to their personal outdoor experience. Students learn to become qualified, well-trained professional sellers which helps to maximize the potential of the product and the company.

MBA 615.  Sustainable Finance.  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to how sustainability/ESG (economic, environmental, social & governance) issues have become financially material to the global credit, underwriting, insurance, risk management, venture capital and asset management capital markets. These issues have a direct impact on risk exposure and the quality of public, private and government debt/equity investments. Prerequisite: MBA 602.

MBA 690.  MBA Essentials.  (3 Credits)  

This course covers essential business disciplines included in the Outdoor Industry MBA; specifically, it includes an analysis of theory and practice in accounting, economics, finance, marketing, and statistics. This course is designed to support students who lack an academic business background to be successful in the Outdoor Industry MBA program, as well as to advance the analytical business skills of working professionals interested in a career in the Outdoor Industry. Students will learn and apply key business concepts through management and academic literature, synchronous and asynchronous lectures, class discussion, and group activities. This course will include theories and frameworks vital to participating in MBA- and management-level conversations, better enabling students to engage in their studies and professionals to advance in their careers.

MBA 691.  Capstone Project.  (3 Credits)  

Students develop a project designed to increase the profitability and functionality of their current organization (or another relevant organization if they are not employed in the outdoor industry). By creatively responding to real-world business issues, students deepen the analytical, technical and leadership skills they need to succeed. Projects relate to topics such as the development of a marketing plan, a modified financial tactic, or the development of a legally viable sustainability initiative. Prerequisite: Completion of all other MBA requirements.

MBA 697.  SPECIAL TOPICS.  (6 Credits)