Creative Writing, Master of Fine Arts

The Graduate Program in Creative Writing offers an MFA in Genre Fiction, Nature Writing, Poetry, or Screenwriting. Western's curricula differs from other low-residency programs by emphasizing intense training in craft, building of a writing community, close study of historically underrepresented writers, and exposure to the business of being a writer.

All MFA programs in the Graduate Program in Creative Writing use a low-residency format that engages students in two ways:
1. through rigorous online curricula and regular virtual classes spanning the Summer, Fall, and Spring semesters, during which students work closely with faculty and with members of their peer community;
2. through a one-week residency at the end of each summer semester that facilitates connection and community.

All programs require a high degree of commitment and excellence from candidates, who must maintain at least a 3.00 course average to complete the program. A minimum grade of B- in each course is required.

In all three summer semesters, MFA candidates complete a 3-credit intensive course in their concentrations. In their first summer, they take a first-year intensive course and also complete two credits of CRWR 600, The Common Read & Writing Craft. In their second summer, they take a second-year intensive course and also earn two credits for starting their thesis project. In their third summer, they take a final intensive course, plus a 1-credit elective which allows them to explore other concentrations.

During the Fall and Spring semesters of their first year, full-time students take two 6-credit courses for a total of 12 credits per semester. Students may anticipate spending between 25 and 30 hours per week on assigned coursework. The coursework typically consists of readings and viewings, asynchronous discussions, and writing assignments for which instructors offer online feedback. Students also participate regularly in live virtual classes and one-on-one meetings with faculty.

In the Fall semester of their second year, full-time students take one 6-credit course, plus three credits of mentor-guided thesis work, for a total of 9-credits, so that they can focus on the thesis project. In the Spring semester, students return to taking two 6-credit courses in their concentration, plus one final credit of mentor-guided thesis work.

Program Information

Western's low-residency MFA in Creative Writing offers a rigorous, terminal degree in the field, involving intensive creative work, development of critical and pedagogical skills, and study of the business of being a writer. Students select one of four concentrations, Genre Fiction, Nature Writing, Poetry, or Screenwriting, and are required to take a 1-credit elective during their final summer semester.

Full-time students require 25 months to finish the program, which comprises four academic semesters and three summer semesters. During the Fall and Spring semesters, students engage in courses using both live virtual classrooms and online learning tools. In each of the three summer semesters, students take courses online and attend an on-campus residency at the end of the summer term.

Total Credits for the MFA in Creative Writing
First two summer residencies @5 hours/term = 10 credits 
Third summer residency @4 hours/term = 4 credits 
First two academic semesters @12 hours/term = 24 credits 
Third academic semester @9 hours/term = 9 credits 
Fourth academic semester @13 hours/term = 13 credits 
Total Credits: 60

Requirements for Full Admission to the MFA in Creative Writing

Candidate must submit:

  • An official transcript of the bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university showing recommended 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher.
  • An 800- to 1,000-word personal statement describing the applicant's experience and commitment to writing. This statement should include a self-assessment of qualifications for admission to Western's Graduate Program in Creative Writing for the chosen degree and concentration.
  • A writing sample in the appropriate genre, double spaced and numbered, or properly formatted for the appropriate genre:
    • The Genre Fiction concentration sample should include 20 to 25 pages, ideally from a single work.
    • The Screenwriting concentration sample should include a screenplay of 15-30 pages.  
    • The Nature Writing concentration sample should include 20 to 25 pages, in any creative writing genre or a mix of genres. 
    • The Poetry concentration sample should include 10 to 15 pages of poetry.
    • The Publishing concentration sample should consist of a 3- to 5-page critical assessment of a story’s suitability for publication (story to be provided to applicant during application process).
  • Two letters of professional recommendation from those capable of assessing the applicant's preparation to succeed in graduate-level work. All letters must be originals submitted on letterhead, must be signed by the person giving the recommendation, and must be less than a year old.
  • Payment of university application fee

Provisional Admission to the MFA in Creative Writing

An applicant who does not meet the requirements for full admission to the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing may be considered for provisional admission upon the recommendation of the program director and approval by the Dean of Graduate Studies. A provisionally admitted student will have a maximum of one calendar year to complete any pre-requisite academic coursework. The program director or Dean of Graduate Studies may set additional timeline requirements.

Concentration in Genre Fiction

The Concentration in Genre Fiction includes instruction in writing for such forms as science fiction/fantasy, the mystery, romance, and other forms of mainstream commercial fiction. Study includes short and long written forms, as well as strategies and techniques for the effective teaching of creative writing. As the culmination of their work, MFA students complete a book-length manuscript or collection of short stories with the support of a professional mentor. 

The MFA Concentration in Genre Fiction requires the following 60 credits:

CRWR 600The Common Read & Writing Craft2
CRWR 608Genre Writing I- Romance and Mystery Fiction6
CRWR 609Genre Studies I-Romance and Mystery6
CRWR 618Genre Studies II- Western, Speculative, and YoungAdult Fiction6
CRWR 619Genre Writing II- Western, Speculative, and Young Adult Fiction6
CRWR 620Short Forms Genre Fiction Writing6
CRWR 621Business Fundamentals for Genre Writers6
CRWR 626Pedagogy & Practicum6
CRWR 697Special Topics1
Six credits of:6
MFA Thesis (must be taken for a total of six credits)
Total Credits60

Genre Fiction as a Second Concentration

Students pursuing this second MFA concentration must earn 30 credits as follows:

CRWR 608Genre Writing I- Romance and Mystery Fiction6
CRWR 609Genre Studies I-Romance and Mystery6
CRWR 618Genre Studies II- Western, Speculative, and YoungAdult Fiction6
CRWR 619Genre Writing II- Western, Speculative, and Young Adult Fiction6
CRWR 693Master's Capstone2
CRWR 697Special Topics1
Total Credits30

Concentration in Nature Writing

The Concentration in Nature Writing brings students into the contemporary and complex conversation of environmental writing, introducing them to a wide range of authors, literary techniques, and styles relevant to the field. The concentration provides readings and training in all major sub-genres including memoir, personal essay, fiction, poetry, hybrid, and experimental work. Courses include significant reading in primary and secondary sources, workshop, and writing extensive short- and long-format work. As the culmination of their work, MFA students complete a creative thesis, which consists of part of a book-length manuscript, and engage in professional development for future publication and career opportunities.

The MFA Concentration in Nature Writing requires the following 60 credits:

CRWR 600The Common Read & Writing Craft2
CRWR 680Writing Place: New Forms and Techniques6
CRWR 681Introduction to Nature Writing3
CRWR 682Book-Length Considerations3
CRWR 685Craft of Creative Nonfiction6
CRWR 686Genres of Nature Writing6
CRWR 687Nature Writing Workshop6
CRWR 688Writing about Nature and Society6
CRWR 689Special Topics in Nature Writing6
CRWR 695Professional Development in Nature Writing6
CRWR 697Special Topics1
Six credits of:6
MFA Thesis (must be taken for a total of six credits)
Total Credits60

Nature Writing as a Second Concentration

Students pursuing this concentration as a second area of emphasis must earn 30 credits as follows:

CRWR 680Writing Place: New Forms and Techniques6
CRWR 682Book-Length Considerations3
CRWR 685Craft of Creative Nonfiction6
CRWR 686Genres of Nature Writing6
CRWR 688Writing about Nature and Society6
CRWR 693Master's Capstone2
CRWR 697Special Topics1
Total Credits30

Concentration in Poetry 

The Concentration in Poetry brings students into the ongoing conversation of poetics, introducing them to the ideas, questions, approaches, and techniques that have been the concerns of poets across time and cultures. The Poetry curriculum includes workshop-style courses focused on developing voice and expanding range, as well as courses on contemporary authors, poetic craft and technique, special topics in poetry, and professional development. MFA students also take one elective during their final summer residency. 
As the culmination of their work, MFA students complete a creative thesis, which consists of a book-length manuscript of original poetry. Students work on this year-long, capstone project under the close guidance of a faculty mentor and present it to the GPCW community during their third Summer Residency.

The MFA Concentration in Poetry requires the following 60 credits:

CRWR 600The Common Read & Writing Craft2
CRWR 630Foundations of Poetry3
CRWR 634Poetry Now6
CRWR 635Poetry Workshop I6
CRWR 640From Thesis to Book3
CRWR 644Poetic Lineages6
CRWR 645Poetry Workshop II6
CRWR 648Poetry Craft and Technique6
CRWR 649Special Topics in Poetry6
CRWR 650Graduate Poetry Seminar3
CRWR 653The Writing Life6
CRWR 697Special Topics1
Six credits of:6
MFA Thesis (must be taken for a total of six credits)
Total Credits60

Poetry as a Second Concentration 

Students pursuing this second MFA concentration must earn 30 credits as follows: 

CRWR 634Poetry Now6
CRWR 635Poetry Workshop I6
CRWR 640From Thesis to Book3
CRWR 644Poetic Lineages6
CRWR 648Poetry Craft and Technique6
CRWR 693Master's Capstone2
CRWR 697Special Topics1
Total Credits30

Concentration in Screenwriting 

The Concentration in Screenwriting teaches screenwriting for both film and television. Each semester pairs an intensive analytical course with an intensive generative writing course. The concentration emphasizes story and scene structure, visual storytelling, character development, development of concept and theme, genre, dialogue-never forgetting that a screenplay is a document that will ultimately be translated to the screen. Through regular mentorship, students refine and consolidate their own best writing practices.

The MFA Concentration in Screenwriting requires the following 60 credits: 

CRWR 600The Common Read & Writing Craft2
CRWR 660Scenes & Sequences3
CRWR 664Adapting the Feature6
CRWR 665Feature Structure & Genre6
CRWR 667Writing the Television Screenplay6
CRWR 669TV Structure & Genre6
CRWR 670Visual Storytelling3
CRWR 672Screenwriting Workshop I6
CRWR 673The Concept & The Pitch6
CRWR 674Screenwriting Workshop 26
CRWR 679Screenwriting Thesis Production3
CRWR 697Special Topics1
Six credits of:6
MFA Thesis (must be taken for a total of six credits)
Total Credits60

Screenwriting as a Second Concentration

Students pursuing this second MFA concentration must earn 30 credits as follows: 

CRWR 664Adapting the Feature6
CRWR 665Feature Structure & Genre6
CRWR 667Writing the Television Screenplay6
CRWR 669TV Structure & Genre6
CRWR 670Visual Storytelling3
CRWR 693Master's Capstone2
CRWR 697Special Topics1
Total Credits30