Special Education, Master of Arts

The Master of Arts in Special Education prepares students to be inspiring, self-aware, and effective, evidence-based K-12 special education professionals. It is aligned to the Colorado P-12 Academic Standards of 2020, the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Professional Development Standards for all educators, the revised Teacher Quality Standards, and current educational policy and best practices. The depth and breadth of the special education licensure or added-endorsement program pathways resulting in a Master of Arts in Special Education is designed to prepare students to teach in Colorado or United States standards-based classrooms in rural and urban communities through the development of special education roles and responsibilities, K-12 content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and knowledge of current challenges in the teaching profession.

The Master of Arts in Special Education includes multiple pathways for graduate students either seeking an initial licensure, added-endorsement if already licensed teachers, and alternative licensing for both non-licensed or already-licensed graduate students.

The Master of Arts in Special Education requires students to complete all requirements of the Licensure or Added-Endorsement Program as well as a Master's capstone project and special education milestone electronic teaching portfolio upon completion of the program.

Program Goals

  1. To prepare new teachers who are proficient or above in all of the Colorado Teacher Standards and corresponding, endorsement specific content area standards and who have the opportunity to implement, reflect upon and improve their classroom practices.
  2. To prepare teachers who are inclusive and responsive to the needs of all students.
  3. To prepare teachers who can deliver instruction using multiple modalities, including hybrid, online, and in-person instruction.

Program Requirements

Special Education Licensure (24-27 credits)
EDUC 611Strategies for Teaching Students with Exceptionalities3
EDUC 612Assessment and Programming3
EDUC 614Inclusivity with Collaboration3
EDUC 615Student Teaching for Students with Exceptionalities (Can be taken twice for credit)3
EDUC 630Inclusivity in the Content Areas3
EDUC 631Inclusive Methods and Strategies for Literacy3
EDUC 632Overview of Special Services3
EDUC 633Differential Literacy Assessment3
Total Credits24
Post-Licensure Coursework (3-6 credits)
One to two EDUC 600 level electives3-6
Content Area Learning
Reading and Writing Across the Content Areas
Rethinking Learning in the 21st Century
Methods and Strategies of Effective Writing Instruction
Methods and Strategies of Effective Mathematics Instruction
Creating Effective Online & Blended Learning Environments
Using Data to Plan for Online & Blended Learning and Targeted Interventions
Managing to Differentiate
Pedagogies for English Learners
Inclusion and English Learners
Shaping School Culture
Legal and Ethical Issues in Education
School Law for Teachers
Engaging External Stakeholders
Total Credits3-6
Capstone Coursework (7 credits)
EDUC 680Action Research for Educational Leaders4
EDUC 693Conduct, Reflect, and Present Action Research3
Total Credits7
Degree Plan
Plan of Study Grid
Year One
EDUC 611 Strategies for Teaching Students with Exceptionalities 3
EDUC 614 Inclusivity with Collaboration 3
EDUC 615 Student Teaching for Students with Exceptionalities (only initial licensure) 3
EDUC 630 Inclusivity in the Content Areas 3
EDUC 632 Overview of Special Services 3
EDUC 612 Assessment and Programming 3
EDUC 615 Student Teaching for Students with Exceptionalities 3
EDUC 631 Inclusive Methods and Strategies for Literacy 3
EDUC 633 Differential Literacy Assessment 3
Year Two
EDUC 680 Action Research for Educational Leaders 4
EDUC XXX EDUC Elective (only added-endorsement) 0-3
EDUC 693 Conduct, Reflect, and Present Action Research 3
EDUC XXX EDUC Elective 3
 Total Credits37-40