Politics and Government Comprehensive Major: Pre-Law Emphasis

Program Requirements

A minimum of 60 credits is required including the following:

BUAD 210Legal Environment of Business3
BUAD 315Advanced Business Law3
POLS 117Introduction to Political Ideas (GT-SS1)3
POLS 180Introduction to American Politics (GT-SS1)3
POLS 300Constitutional Law I3
POLS 301Constitutional Law II3
POLS 309Political Theory I- Ancient to Early Modern3
POLS 310Political Theory II-Modern and Contemporary3
POLS 390Mock Trial (Mock Trial)3
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Comparative Politics (GT-SS1)
Introduction to World Politics (GT-SS1)
Issues in State and Local Government
Select four of the following:12
Strategic Negotiations
Environmental and Water Law
Water Law
The Politics of the Presidency
Politics of Social Movements
Human Rights
American Foreign Policy
Political Economy
American Political Thought
Mock Trial (Mock Trial)
Select five of the following courses in at least three disciplines:15
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Income Tax
Small Group and Conflict Management
Macroeconomics (GT-SS1)
American Economic Development
Women and Literature
Literary Culture of the American West
Ancient World Literature (GT-AH2)
Literature and Ethnicity: Studies in:
American Revolution and the Early Republic
U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction
Emergence of the Modern U.S.
Depression and World War II
Recent American History
Introduction to Philosophy (GT-AH3)
Symbolic Logic
Advanced Ethics
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Law Enforcement
Select one of the following capstone courses:3
Studies in Political Theory:
Studies in American Politics:
Studies in International Relations:
Studies in Comparative Politics:
Total Credits60
Plan of Study Grid
Year One
POLS 117 Introduction to Political Ideas (GT-SS1) (also Gen Ed) 3
POLS 180 Introduction to American Politics (GT-SS1) 3
Gen Ed General Education Courses (including ENG 102) 9
HWTR 100 First Year Seminar 1
POLS 260 Introduction to World Politics (GT-SS1) 3
BUAD 210 Legal Environment of Business 3
POLS Pre-Law Elective (1 of 5) 3
Gen Ed General Education Courses (including ENG 103) 6
Year Two
POLS 300 Constitutional Law I 3
POLS 309 Political Theory I- Ancient to Early Modern 3
BUAD/POLS BUAD/POLS Elective (1 of 5) 3
Gen Ed General Education Courses 6
POLS 301 Constitutional Law II 3
POLS 310 Political Theory II-Modern and Contemporary 3
BUAD/POLS BUAD/POLS Elective (2 of 5) 3
Gen Ed General Education Courses 6
Year Three
POLS 390 Mock Trial 3
BUAD/POLS BUAD/POLS Elective (3 of 5) 3
POLS Pre-Law Electives (2 of 5) 3
Gen Ed General Education Courses 3
Elective Electives 3
BUAD 315 Advanced Business Law 3
BUAD/POLS BUAD/POLS Elective (4 of 5) 3
POLS Pre-Law Elective (3 of 5) 3
Gen Ed General Education Courses 3
Elective Electives 3
Year Four
BUAD/POLS BUAD/POLS Elective (5 of 5) 3
POLS Pre-Law Elective (4 of 5) 3
Elective Electives 9
POLS POLS Capstone 3
POLS Pre-Law Elective (5 of 5) 3
Elective Electives 9
 Total Credits121