Design (DES)

DES 270.  Introduction to Graphic Design and Illustration.  (3 Credits)  

An introductory course utilizing the basic fundamentals of art in a broad base of commercial applications. Design in the areas of corporate identity, packaging, illustration, and typography are explored. Illustration, new techniques, materials, and tools used by the designer are emphasized. Prerequisites: ART 173 or instructor permission.

DES 271.  Typography.  (3 Credits)  

A study of individual letter forms as design elements that relate to user interface, experience and visual communication. Students can apply skills learned in this class in other areas including interaction and web design. Prerequisites: ART 173 or instructor permission.

DES 370.  Intermediate Graphic Design.  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of digital technology as it relates to visual communications in print, and interactive based design. Students will develop an understanding of design terminology, language and process related to current user interaction applications. Prerequisite: ART 270 and CS 160; or instructor permission.

DES 375.  Intermediate Magazine Production.  (3 Credits)  

An integration of journalism and art course work into a study of magazine production. Faculty supervise students in design and production work leading to the publication of the Western Pathfinder Magazine, in both print and online versions. Prerequisite: DES 370 and instructor permission.

DES 425.  History of Graphic Design.  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of the history and evolution of design from its origins to the present. Examines design in its fullest understanding, including architecture, furniture, applied arts, and graphic design. The discipline of graphic design is also analyzed and formally compared to the production trajectory within its historical, cultural and political framework. Junior or Senior status required; or instructor permission.

DES 470.  Advanced Design and Illustration I.  (3 Credits)  

An advanced exploration of the expressive possibilities of individual graphic design direction. Students collaborate with the instructor to plan a suitable and particular direction of study. Prerequisite: DES 370 or instructor permission.

DES 471.  Senior Project in Design.  (3 Credits)  

An advanced exploration of the expressive possibilities of individual graphic design direction. Students collaborate with the instructor to plan a suitable and particular direction of study. Prerequisite: DES 470 or instructor permission.

DES 475.  Advanced Magazine Production I.  (3 Credits)  

An advanced integration of journalism and art course work into a study of magazine production. Faculty supervise students in design and production work leading to the publication of the Western Pathfinder Magazine, in both print and online versions. Prerequisite: DES 375 and instructor permission.

DES 476.  Advanced Magazine Production II.  (3 Credits)  

An advanced integration of journalism and art course work into a study of magazine production. Faculty supervise students in design and production work leading to the publication of the Western Pathfinder Magazine, in both print and online versions. Prerequisite: DES 475 and instructor permission.

DES 477.  Advanced Magazine Production III.  (3 Credits)  

An advanced integration of journalism and art course work into a study of magazine production. Faculty supervise students in design and production work leading to the publication of the Western Pathfinder Magazine, in both print and online versions. Prerequisite: ART 476 and instructor permission.