Recreation and Outdoor Education (with a 3+2 Outdoor Industry MBA)


The ROE and OIMBA 3+2 allows students to complete the B.A. Recreation and Outdoor Education program (ROE) and the Outdoor Industry Master of Business Administration (OIMBA) at Western in five years. To remain qualified for the 3+2, upon completion of their third year each student must have:

  • maintained a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a 3.25 GPA within the major;
  • provided three letters of recommendation, at least one of which is to be a professional reference and at least one of which is to be an academic reference from the student's major at Western; 
  • submitted a written a Statement of Purpose to the Graduate Program in Outdoor Industry, MBA, detailing ideas for the eventual Capstone Project;
  • submitted an application in competition with all other program applications for limited program openings

At this point, if any aspect of a student's performance is found to be insufficient, the Outdoor Industry MBA Director will recommend denial of acceptance, in which case, the student will need to find a new emphasis or minor in order to complete the undergraduate degree. Upon meeting the requirements above, and after Sophomore Year (reaching 63 credits in this plan-see "Degree Plan") holding to the same GPA and general performance standards outlined above, the School of Graduate Studies will designate the student as an "Outdoor Industry MBA candidate with provisional acceptance." Upon completion of Year Four of this plan, the student will receive the BA and the School of Graduate Studies may designate the student as an "Outdoor Industry MBA degree seeking student." After Year Four, students who have completed all other requirements of the 3+2 program and all Western undergraduate requirements yet choose to leave the OIMBA program before Year 5, will still have completed the undergraduate BA in ROE and will have earned the 120 credits necessary for a Western undergraduate degree. 

Program Requirements


A minimum of 84 credits is required for the B.A. components of the emphasis. The following is required for the Comprehensive Program with a 3+2 Master in Outdoor Industry MBA:

ROE 182Introduction to Recreation and Outdoor Education3
ROE 240Alternative Programming3
ROE 283Leadership and Facilitation3
ROE 333Recreation and Sport Marketing3
ROE 351Inquiry into Sustainability3
ROE 398Program Planning (with laboratory)3
ROE 468Leadership and Administration3
ROE 490Recreation Philosophy and Ethics3
ROE 491Senior Seminar3
ROE 499Internship in Recreation and Outdoor Education3
And one of the following:3
Entrepreneurship and Commercial Recreation
Human Development and Counseling for Outdoor Educators
Required supporting courses
ACC 201Introduction to Financial Accounting3
ACC 202Introduction to Managerial Accounting3
BUAD 101Business of Life3
BUAD 270Principles of Marketing3
BUAD 360Managerial Finance3
BUAD 491Strategic Management3
ECON 201Macroeconomics (GT-SS1)3
ECON 202Microeconomics3
MATH 140College Algebra (GT-MA1)3
And one of the following:3
Statistics for Business and Economics
Probability and Statistics (GT-MA1)
Core OIMBA courses in fourth year
MBA 600Sustainability Accounting3
MBA 601Managerial Economics3
MBA 603Leadership, Ethics, and Organizational Behavior3
MBA 605Project Management3
MBA 606Marketing and Brand Strategy in the Outdoor Industry3
MBA 611Topics in Outdoor Industry0
And one of the following:3
Sustainable Outdoor Product Development and Material Sourcing
Sales and Customer Experience
Total Credits84

Upon successful completion of the prescribed courses listed above, University defined General Education, and elective requirements totaling 120 credits (with 40 at the 300-level or higher), students are eligible for their B.A. conferral. Students electing to complete the MBA program must follow the balance of their declared emphasis curriculum.

For a full description of the required Graduate coursework, please see the appropriate MBA program in the Western Graduate Catalog.

Degree Plan 

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
BUAD 101 Business of Life (also Gen Ed) 3
ENG 102 Writing and Rhetoric I (GT-CO1) 3
Gen Ed General Education course (Area II) 3
HWTR 100 First Year Seminar 1
MATH 140 College Algebra (GT-MA1) 3
ROE 182 Introduction to Recreation and Outdoor Education 3
ACC 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting 3
ENG 103 Writing and Rhetoric II (GT-CO2) 3
ECON 202 Microeconomics 3
Gen Ed General Education course (Area I) 3
ROE 283 Leadership and Facilitation 3
Year Two
ACC 202 Introduction to Managerial Accounting 3
ECON 216
Statistics for Business and Economics
or Probability and Statistics (GT-MA1)
Gen Ed General Education course (Area I) 3
Gen Ed General Education course (Area III) 3
ROE 351 Inquiry into Sustainability 3
ECON 201 Macroeconomics (GT-SS1) (also Gen Ed) 3
Gen Ed General Education course (Area I) 3
Gen Ed General Education course (Area II) 3
ROE 240 Alternative Programming 3
ROE 398 Program Planning (with laboratory) 3
ROE 499 Internship in Recreation and Outdoor Education 3-9
Submit 3+2 application materials by July 1st (67 credit mark)
Year Three
BUAD 270 Principles of Marketing 3
BUAD 360 Managerial Finance 3
Gen Ed General Education course (Area III) 3
ROE 364 Entrepreneurship and Commercial Recreation 3
Electives General Elective course 6
ROE 333 Recreation and Sport Marketing 3
ROE 490 Recreation Philosophy and Ethics 3
ROE 491 Senior Seminar 3
Year Four
BUAD 491 Strategic Management 3
MBA 601 Managerial Economics 3
MBA 603 Leadership, Ethics, and Organizational Behavior 3
MBA 606 Marketing and Brand Strategy in the Outdoor Industry 3
MBA 600 Sustainability Accounting 3
MBA 605 Project Management 3
MBA 609
Sustainable Outdoor Product Development and Material Sourcing
or Sales and Customer Experience
MBA 611 Topics in Outdoor Industry 0
ROE 468 Leadership and Administration 3
 Total Credits118-124