Adult Degree Completion (ADC)

ADC 300.  Degree to Career Success.  (1 Credit)  

This course offers an orientation to the Adult Degree Completion program at Western. Students have the opportunity to develop and strengthen their skills for online learning, understand effective study habits, learn about campus services, and familiarize themselves with LMS platforms like Canvas. The course also provides lessons in career planning. Prerequisite: Admission into the Adult Degree Completion program.

ADC 490.  Capstone.  (3 Credits)  

This course provides the student the opportunity to integrate concepts and theories covered in the ADC program within their area of focus, as well as to increase their impact and effectiveness as a leader. Students will design and implement a capstone project related to their area of focus, aligned with the overall concept of organizational leadership, in written and oral presentations. Course should be completed within two semesters prior to graduation. Prerequisite: Admission into the Adult Degree Completion program.