Computer Science, Western - University of Colorado Boulder Partnership

The Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science obtained through the Western-CU Boulder Engineering Partnership Program is conferred by the University of Colorado Boulder. Lower-division coursework is completed through Western Colorado University before applying for admission to the University of Colorado Boulder. The entire program is completed on the campus of Western Colorado University.

The Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science requires:

Students can learn more about the Western-CU Partnership Honors Program Certificate HERE

Program Goals

  • Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  • Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  • Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

The Computer Science program requires a minimum of 128 cumulative credits applied to the degree, which includes courses from Western Colorado University and the University of Colorado Boulder.

This program provides a seamless transfer of coursework from the Gunnison residential campus for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science awarded by CU Boulder.  A student must meet the admission requirements for the CU Boulder College of Engineering & Applied Science and may apply for admission when they have established a successful collegiate record as a Western student. This is demonstrated through academic requirements outlined at 

Students are expected to follow the Academic Policies of the respective University/Universities in at which they are registered. 

Planned Western coursework is outlined below in red font and course numbers are all three digits, while CU Boulder coursework is outlined below in black font and course numbers are all four digits.  Students must complete 45 credits of CU Boulder coursework. 

Degree Requirements - Courses

College Writing Requirement (total of 3 credit hours)
ENG 302Technical Writing3
Mathematics (total of 17 credits)
MATH 151Calculus I (GT-MA1)4
MATH 200Discrete Mathematics3
MATH 251Calculus II4
MATH 314Applied Probability I3
CSCI 2820: Linear Algebra with CS Applications3
Computer Science (minimum 58 credit hours)
Computer Science Foundation
HWTR 100First Year Seminar (complete 1 approved section)1
CS 191Computer Science II3
CS 280Data Structures3
CS 330Operating Systems and Architecture3
CS 370Systems Programming in C3
CS 412Software Engineering3
CSCI 3155: Principles of Programming Languages4
CSCI 3104: Algorithms4
Computer Science Core
Select five CU Boulder classes from approved list
Computer Science Electives
Additional upper-division CSCI courses to bring total computer science hours to 58 or higher.
Senior Capstone
CSCI 4308: Software Engineering Project I
CSCI 4318: Software Engineering Project II
A two-semester Senior Capstone (beginning fall, ending spring) is required for 8 credit hours. This sequence must be taken contiguously and may not be taken before the senior year. Prerequisites for a senior capstone include the successful completion of the college writing requirement, as well as the Computer Science Foundation (24 credit hours) plus Computer Science Core and Elective courses to reach a minimum of 36 Computer Science credit hours.
Natural Science (total of 17 credit hours)
PHYS 190
PHYS 185
General Physics I (GT-SC2)
and Laboratory Physics I (GT-SC1)
One additional Natural Science sequence from the following:
PHYS 191
PHYS 186
General Physics II (GT-SC2)
and Laboratory Physics II (GT-SC1)
BIOL 150Biological Principles (with laboratory) (GT-SC1)4
CHEM 111
CHEM 112
General Chemistry I (GT-SC2)
and General Chemistry Laboratory I (GT-SC1)
CHEM 121General Chemistry for Engineers3
Additional Natural Science hours to reach 17 total credit hours:
ANTH 218Biological Anthropology (with laboratory)4
BIOL 130Environmental Biology (GT-SC2)3
BIOL 135Environmental Biology Laboratory (GT-SC1)1
BIOL 150Biological Principles (with laboratory) (GT-SC1)4
CHEM 111
CHEM 112
General Chemistry I (GT-SC2)
and General Chemistry Laboratory I (GT-SC1)
CHEM 113
CHEM 114
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 121General Chemistry for Engineers3
ENGR 224Materials Science3
ENGR 363Mechanics of Solids3
GEOL 101Physical Geology (GT-SC2)3
GEOL 105Physical Geology Laboratory (GT-SC1)1
GEOL 201Historical Geology (with laboratory)4
MCEN 3012 Thermodynamics3
PHYS 110Introductory Astronomy (GT-SC2)3
PHYS 191
PHYS 186
General Physics II (GT-SC2)
and Laboratory Physics II (GT-SC1)
PHYS 250Statics3
PHYS/ENGR 251Dynamics3
PHYS 320Modern Physics3
Numerous other courses available through CU Boulder
Logic and Ethics (total of 6 credit hours)
PHIL 135Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 100Critical Thinking3
or PHIL 200 Symbolic Logic
Humanities & Social Sciences
Complete 15 credits of approved humanities and social science coursework, 6 credits of which must be upper-division.
Free Electives
Complete enough electives to bring the total credit hours toward the degree to 128. Normally this is 12 credit hours but could vary (for example due to transfer credits). Please consult with your academic advisor or Partnership Program Director with questions.

The following plan lists all the specific course requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from the University of Colorado Boulder in partnership with Western Colorado University.  The order in which these courses are taken may vary with course availability.  Students are responsible for completing all course prerequisites. Please note that this is a suggested degree program; your program may vary.

Planned Western coursework is outlined below in red font and course numbers are all three digits, while CU Boulder coursework is outlined below in black font and course numbers are all four digits.  Students must complete 45 credits at CU Boulder. 

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
CS 190 Computer Science I 3
ENG 102 Writing and Rhetoric I (GT-CO1) 3
H&SS lower-division 3
HWTR 100 First Year Seminar 1
MATH 151 Calculus I (GT-MA1) 4
PHYS 190
PHYS 185
General Physics I (GT-SC2)
and Laboratory Physics I (GT-SC1)
CS 191 Computer Science II 3
MATH 251 Calculus II 4
Natural Science Sequence (PHYS 191 & 186 preferred) 4
PHIL 100
Critical Thinking
or Symbolic Logic
H&SS lower-division 3
Year Two
CS 280 Data Structures 3
CS 330 Operating Systems and Architecture 3
MATH 314 Applied Probability I 3
Natural Science 3
H&SS lower-division 3
CS 370 Systems Programming in C 3
CS 412 Software Engineering 3
MATH 200 Discrete Mathematics 3
PHIL 135 Introduction to Ethics 3
Free Elective 3
Year Three
CSCI 3104 Algorithms 4
CSCI 2820 Linear Algebra with CS Applications 3
CSCI Core/Elective 3
CSCI Core/Elective 3
Natural Science 3
CSCI Core/Elective 4
CSCI 3155 Principles of Programming Languages 4
CSCI Core/Elective 3
ENG 302 Technical Writing 3
Year Four
CSCI 4308 Software Engineering Project I 4
CSCI Core/Elective 4
CSCI Core/Elective 3
Natural Science 3
H&SS upper-division 3
CSCI Core/Elective 3
CSCI 4318 Software Engineering Project II 4
CSCI Core/Elective 3
H&SS upper-division 3
Free Elective 3
 Total Credits128