Public History Emphasis (with a 3+2 Master in Environmental Management)

The Public History emphasis with a 3+2 MEM allows students to complete the B.A. in History with Public History emphasis and the Master in Environmental Management at Western in five years. The Public History Comprehensive major requires a minimum of 65 credits, including the required 33 credit History Core, 23 credits of required supporting courses and 6 credits of designated elective courses.

Upon successful completion of the prescribed Public History program, University defined General Education, and elective requirements totaling 120 credits (with 40 at 300-level of higher), students are eligible for the B.A. conferral. Students electing to complete the MEM must follow the balance of their declared emphasis curriculum. To remain qualified for the 3+2 by the end of his/her sophomore year each student must have:

  • Maintained a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a 3.25 within the major
  • Completed 65 credits
  • Completed General Education credits

By the end his/her junior year

  • Fulfilled the 3-credit internship requirement with a B or above and positive letter from the project sponsor
  • Provided three letters of reference from professors or supervisors in related fields
  • Provided an 8-10 page writing sample
  • Provided a written 800-1,000 word Statement of Purpose to the MEM program, describing the student’s intellectual and professional interests in environmental management and the connections to the field(s) of Public History

In addition to meeting the requirements above, and after Junior Year and completion of Public History emphasis requirements (95 credits in this plan), students will be designated as “MEM candidates with provisional acceptance.” Upon completion of the final 29 credits of the Western B.A. after Year Four of this plan, students will be designated as “MEM degree seeking students.” Students who have completed all other requirements of the 3+2 program and all Western undergraduate requirements, yet choose to leave the MEM program before Year 5, will still be able to complete the HIST undergraduate emphasis in Public History and the 120 credits necessary for a Western undergraduate degree within 4 years.

A minimum of 65 credits is required, including the required 33 credit History Core, 23 credits of required supporting courses and 6 credits of designated elective courses.

HIST 200Historical Inquiry3
HIST 370Public History3
HIST 371Oral History Workshop3
HIST 372Monuments and Museums3
HIST 373History of the National Park Service3
HIST 399Internship in History3
HIST 402Engaging the Past3
Select two of the following:6
Topics in World History (GT-HI1)
U.S. History to 1865 (GT-HI1)
U.S. History Since 1865 (GT-HI1)
Environmental History of North America (GT-HI1)
And six credits of Upper Division History electives6
Total Credits33
Required Supporting Courses
ANTH 107Introduction to General Anthropology3
ANTH 219Archaeology (with laboratory)4
ANTH 230Cultural Anthropology (with laboratory)4
ANTH 377Cultural Resource Management3
COM 231Stagecraft I3
ENVS 100Introduction to Environment and Sustainability (GT-SS2)3
GEOG 222Our Digital Earth3
Four credits of the following:4
Environmental Biology (GT-SC2)
Environmental Biology Laboratory (GT-SC1)
Diversity and Patterns of Life (with laboratory)
Physical Geology (GT-SC2)
Physical Geology Laboratory (GT-SC1)
Six credits of the following:6
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Biological Anthropology (with laboratory)
Native North America
Ethnography Field School
Archaeology Field School
Art History I
Art History II (GT-AH1)
American Art: Colonial to Modern
Business Communication
Legal Environment of Business
Principles of Marketing
Business Ethics
Communication Arts I
Public Relations Communication
Communication Arts II
Media/ Arts Management
Multimedia Communication
Professional Computer Skills
Introduction to Web Design
Introduction to Human Geography (GT-SS2)
UAV Imagery Acquisition
Satellite Remote Sensing
Geospatial Analysis
Advanced Applications in GIS
Internship in Geography
Issues in State and Local Government
Interpretation of Natural and Cultural History
Foundations of Teaching Environmental Education
Total Credits33
Core MEM Courses
ENVS 601Introduction to Environmental Management5
ENVS 605Science for Environmental Management3
ENVS 611Integrative Skills for Environmental Management3
ENVS 612Introduction to Analysis and Assessment for Environmental Management3
ENVS 615From Climate Science to Action3
Total Credits20
Select one of the following MEM Emphases:3
Environmental Organization Development and Management
Global Sustainability
Total Credits3

Upon successful completion of the prescribed courses listed above, University defined General Education, and elective requirements totaling 120 credits (with 40 at the 300-level or higher), students are eligible for their B.A. conferral. Students electing to complete MEM must follow the balance of their declared emphasis curriculum.

For a full description of the required Graduate coursework, please see the appropriate MEM program in the Western Graduate Catalog

Capstone Course Requirement

The following course in the History Major fulfills the Capstone Course Requirement: HIST 402 ENGAGING THE PAST.

Graduation Requirements

Undergraduate programs require a minimum of 120 semester credits for graduation.  Of those 120 credits, 40 credits must be in upper-division courses (those marked 300 and above).  Fifteen of these 40 upper-division credits must be earned in courses that are part of the standard or comprehensive major program being pursued. 

Students are expected to review all graduation requirements, which can be found in the Western Undergraduate Catalog: Graduation Requirements

Upon successful completion of the prescribed courses listed below, University defined General Education, and elective requirements totaling 120 credits (with 40 at the 300-level or higher), students are eligible for their B.A. conferral. Students electing to complete MEM must follow the balance of their declared emphasis curriculum.

For a full description of the required Graduate coursework, please see the appropriate MEM program in the Western Graduate Catalog

Major: B.A. in Public History & Master in Environmental Management (3 + 2) 

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
HIST 1XX 100-level HIST (GT-HI1) 3
HWTR 100 First Year Seminar 1
ANTH 107 Introduction to General Anthropology 3
ENG 102 Writing and Rhetoric I (GT-CO1) 3
ENVS 100 Introduction to Environment and Sustainability (GT-SS2) 3
MATH 113 Statistical Thinking (GT-MA1) 3
ANTH 218 Biological Anthropology (with laboratory) 4
ENG 103 Writing and Rhetoric II (GT-CO2) 3
Gen Ed Arts & Humanities
HIST 1XX 100-level HIST (GT-HI1) 3
HIST 200 Historical Inquiry 3
Year Two
ANTH 219 Archaeology (with laboratory) 4
GEOG 222 Our Digital Earth 3
Rel. Field Public History elective (related field) 3-4
Gen Ed Natural Sciences w/Lab (BIOL 130+ BIOL 135; BIOL 150; or GEOL 101+ GEOL 105) 4
HIST 370 Public History 3
ANTH 230 Cultural Anthropology (with laboratory) 4
ANTH 377 Cultural Resource Management 3
COM 231 Stagecraft I 3
HIST 371 Oral History Workshop 3
HIST 373 History of the National Park Service 3
Year Three
HIST 399 Internship in History 3
HIST 3XX Upper-division history elective 3
Gen Ed Arts & Humanities 3
Elective Elective 3
Elective Elective 3
HIST 372 Monuments and Museums 3
HIST 3XX Upper-division history elective 3
Gen Ed Arts & Humanities 3
Elective Elective 3
Elective Elective 3
ENVS 601 Introduction to Environmental Management 5
Year Four
ENVS 605 Science for Environmental Management 3
ENVS 611 Integrative Skills for Environmental Management 3
Elective Elective 3
ENVS 612 Introduction to Analysis and Assessment for Environmental Management 3
ENVS 615 From Climate Science to Action 3
ENVS 6XX MEM emphasis foundation course 3
HIST 402 Engaging the Past 3
 Total Credits121-122