Creative Writing Minor

The Creative Writing minor enhances students' skills in writing, creativity, and critical thinking.  A complement to any major, the curriculum prepares students to think and write imaginatively, independently, and in community - abilities necessary for success in various careers and graduate school.

English majors and minors must complete the required course ENG 250 Critical Approaches to Literature with a minimum grade of “C” before registering for upper-division courses in English.

A minimum of 21 credits is required for a Minor in Creative Writing including:

ENG 161Introduction to Creative Writing (GT-AH1)3
ENG 250Critical Approaches to Literature3
ENG 405Advanced Writing3
ENG 445Literary Magazine Submission and Production3
Two of the following:6
Creative Writing: Fiction
Creative Writing: Poetry
Creative Writing
Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction
One of the following:3
Literature and Ethnicity: Studies in:
Poetry: Studies in:
Drama: Studies in:
Prose: Studies in:
Women Writers
Global Literatures: Studies in: The Underworld
Myth and Culture
Literary Theory and Criticism
British Literature: Medieval and Renaissance Texts
British Literature: Milton through the Romantics
British Literature: The Victorians to the Present Day
American Literature Early to Civil War
American Literature-Civil War to Present