English Comprehensive Major: Secondary Licensure Emphasis (with a 3+2 Master of Arts in Education)

The 3+2 Secondary and K-12 Licensure Program allows students to complete a B.A. in their academic major with an emphasis in Secondary and K-12 Licensure and a Master of Arts in Education in five years. Students apply to the program by December of their junior year. MUS majors interested in the program need to set up an individualized plan with their MUS and EDUC advisors.  To be accepted into the 3+2 Program, each student must: 

  • Provide letters of recommendation from at least one Education Department faculty member and one faculty member from the student's major
  • Prove content, as defined by the Colorado Department of Education
  • Be accepted into Western's Teacher Licensure Program
  • Successfully complete EDUC 340 (by Spring of junior year)
  • Be on track to complete all coursework required within the academic major

Upon satisfactory completion of these requirements, students will be designated as "MAED candidates with provisional acceptance." Upon completion of the final undergraduate credits for the Western B.A., students will be designated as "MAED degree-seeking students." Students who have completed all other requirements of the 3+2 Secondary and K-12 Licensure Degree Program and all Western undergraduate requirements, yet choose to leave the MAED program before Year Five, will still have completed the BA in Secondary and K-12 Licensure, have earned 120 credits necessary for a Western undergraduate degree, and be eligible to apply for initial teacher licensure . 

Program Requirements

Students interested in pursuing this comprehensive program should consult with the Teacher Education Program advisor in addition to the advisor in their major as soon as possible. 

English majors and minors must complete the required course ENG 250 Critical Approaches to Literature with a minimum grade of “C” before registering for upper-division courses in English.

 In addition, the student must fulfill the requirements of the Secondary Licensure 3+2 Program (see description under Education), and the following:

COM 216Dramatic Literature and Script Analysis3
COM 241Media Writing3
ENG 161Introduction to Creative Writing (GT-AH1)3
ENG 220Grammar and the English Language3
ENG 250Critical Approaches to Literature3
ENG 358Global Literatures: Studies in: The Underworld3
ENG 370Myth and Culture3
ENG 371Literary Theory and Criticism3
ENG 493Senior Seminar I: Studies in: Criminal Justice3
Select one of the following:3
Creative Writing: Fiction
Creative Writing: Poetry
Creative Writing
Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction
Select two of the following:6
Borderlands: Representing Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
Women and Literature
Literary Culture of the American West
Environmental Literature (GT-AH2)
Ancient World Literature (GT-AH2)
Literature and Ethnicity: Studies in:
Women Writers
Select two of the following:6
British Literature: Medieval and Renaissance Texts
British Literature: Milton through the Romantics
British Literature: The Victorians to the Present Day
Major British Authors:
Select two of the following:6
American Literature Early to Civil War
American Literature-Civil War to Present
Major American Authors:
Plan of Study Grid
Year One
ENG 102 Writing and Rhetoric I (GT-CO1) 3
Elective General Elective course 3
Gen Ed Math course GE 3
Gen Ed Natural Science GE 3
Gen Ed Social Science GE 3
HWTR 100 First Year Seminar 1
EDUC 000 Education Gateway Course 0
ENG 103 Writing and Rhetoric II (GT-CO2) 3
ENG 161 Introduction to Creative Writing (GT-AH1) 3
ENG 250 Critical Approaches to Literature 3
Gen Ed Natural Science GE 3
Gen Ed Social Science GE 3
Year Two
COM 241 Media Writing 3
ENG 220 Grammar and the English Language 3
Elective English Elective 3
Gen Ed Arts & Humanities 3
Gen Ed Social Science GE 3
COM 216 Dramatic Literature and Script Analysis 3
Elective English Elective course 3
ENG 358 Global Literatures: Studies in: The Underworld 3
ENG 371 Literary Theory and Criticism 3
ENG 384
American Literature Early to Civil War
or American Literature-Civil War to Present
Year Three
Elective English Elective course 6
Elective General Elective course 6
ENG 370 Myth and Culture 3
ENG 493 Senior Seminar I: Studies in: Criminal Justice 3
EDUC 340 Application of Pedagogy and Practice 3
ENG 385
American Literature-Civil War to Present
or American Literature Early to Civil War
Elective General Elective course 3
Elective English Elective course 6
Gen Ed Natural Science GE 3
Year Four
EDUC 405 Data-driven Instructional Practices 3
EDUC 604 Learning Environments 3
EDUC 606 Reading and Writing Across the Content Areas 3
EDUC 609 Secondary Student Teaching 3
EDUC 607 Rethinking Learning in the 21st Century 3
EDUC 609 Secondary Student Teaching 3
EDUC 629 Inclusion and English Learners 3
 Total Credits121