Nutritional Science (NTR)


The B.S. program in Nutrition is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills for a career in nutrition, food science, food service management, public health or for further study in a graduate program such as ACEND-accredited dietetics. Nutrition students can pursue a 37 credit Standard major, a comprehensive emphasis in Community Nutrition, or a comprehensive emphasis in Pre-Dietetics. The Standard major provides flexibility for students who wish to double major. The Community Nutrition emphasis provides a solid grounding in the sciences and would be appropriate for students interested in a variety of nutrition-related professions or graduate programs such as public health. The Pre-Dietetics emphasis provides necessary prerequisite coursework for students wishing to enter an ACEND-accredited graduate program in dietetics. The Nutritional Science minor is suitable for students who have requisite science coursework to complete nutrition coursework.

Nutritional Science Courses

NTR 305.  Community Nutrition.  (3 Credits)  

Topics include the role of nutrition in promoting, maintaining, and improving community health. Nutritional status of individuals and groups in various communities is also explored. Focus on community needs assessment, programs and resources, public policy, legislation, funding, and education relevant to nutrition programming. Prerequisites: ESS 185 and BIOL 300; or instructor permission.

NTR 310.  Nutritional Assessment.  (3 Credits)  

Focus on nutritional assessment in community, clinical, education, and research settings. Practical application of nutritional assessment in care of client is also covered. Prerequisites: MATH 140, ESS 185 and BIOL 300; or instructor permission.

NTR 320.  Nutrition Education and Counseling.  (3 Credits)  

Focuses on preparation, delivery, and assessment of specialized communications expected of nutrition professionals. Focus on group nutrition education as well as individual nutrition counseling. Prerequisites: COM 202, PSY 100, BIOL 300, and NTR 310; or instructor permission.

NTR 360.  Nutrition and Weight Management.  (3 Credits)  

Multifactorial aspects of obesity, maintenance of healthy weight, and the relationship of weight status to chronic disease prevention. Focus on traditional and novel nutrition theories as well as current popular diet trends. Prerequisites: ESS 185 and BIOL 300; ESS 201 or BIOL 372 and BIOL 373; or instructor permission.

NTR 396.  Field Experience in Nutrition.  (1-3 Credits)  

Directed field experience in nutrition, food service, or community wellness setting. Guidelines for the field experience are provided and agreed upon prior to course registration. Prerequisites: NTR 305 and instructor permission.

NTR 400.  Nutrition in the Lifecycle.  (3 Credits)  

Focuses on factors influencing nutritional needs and eating habits throughout the lifecycle with a focus on evidence-based practices, nutrient requirements, dietary planning guidelines, and assessment techniques for the following life stages are considered: preconception, pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and aging. Prerequisites: ESS 201 or BIOL 372 and BIOL 373; and BIOL 300; or instructor permission.

NTR 410.  Medical Nutrition Therapy (with laboratory).  (4 Credits)  

Principles and application of medical nutrition therapy related to specific disease states. Topics include the nutrition care process, nutritional assessment, nutrition support, and therapeutic diets. Prerequisites: NTR 320 and NTR 400; CHEM 231 and 234 or CHEM 332 and 335; or instructor permission.

NTR 420.  Food Service Systems Management.  (3 Credits)  

Overview of management practices utilized to direct, operate and control a variety of food service systems. Topics include food service operations based on nutritional goals of the target market, food sanitation and safety, management of human resources, and leadership. Emphasis on applications to various food service systems. Prerequisite: Junior Standing; or instructor permission.

NTR 450.  Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism.  (3 Credits)  

Metabolic and physiological functions of macro- and micronutrients at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and system level, integrating the effects of nutritional status in health and disease. Prerequisites: NTR 400, NTR 410, and CHEM 471; or instructor permission.

NTR 490.  Senior Seminar in Nutrition.  (2 Credits)  

Forum for discussion of current topics and research relevant to students preparing for a career in nutrition. Topics also include professional preparation including resumes, interviewing, networking, professional ethics, and effective communication. Prerequisite: Senior standing; or instructor permission.

NTR 492.  Independent Study.  (1-3 Credits)  
NTR 499.  Internship in Nutrition.  (2-4 Credits)  

In-depth work at a professional site in an area of nutrition, food services, or community wellness. Prerequisites: Cumulative GPA of 2.750, department chair and advisor permission, and senior standing.